Use of Personal Information:

we use the information you give us in the following ways:

• To make sure we have an accurate record of all the donations we receive.

• To email you with news and information about AIEHSST and our campaigns, but only if you have agreed to this.

• To make sure you are receiving the most appropriate and relevant information for you.

• To find out more about you and the people who are visiting our website, donating, or joining our campaign.


• Individuals who join our mailing lists via our website or through our campaigning engagements are added to our email database. We do not sell, rent, loan, trade, or lease the addresses on our lists to anyone.


• AIEHSST uses well-recognized and proven technology for payments. Payment information is transferred by the use of an SSL connection which offers the highest degree of security that your browser is able to support.

• Several layers of built-in security, including an advanced firewall system, encryption of credit card numbers, and use of passwords, protect the collected information.


• We use a number of external web services on our site to display content within our web pages. For example, to display a video, we use YouTube. As with the social buttons, we cannot prevent these sites, or external domains, from collecting information on your use of the content we embed on our site.

• The Site contains links to other websites for the benefit of its visitors. This Privacy Policy does not apply to such other websites. AIEHSST is not expressly or impliedly responsible for, or liable to any loss or damage caused to you by the collection, use, and retention of personal information by such websites in any manner whatsoever. It is important that you review the privacy policies of all websites you visit before you disclose any information.


• As and when the need arises, AIEHSST may alter its privacy policy in accordance with the latest technology and trends. We strive to provide you with timely notice of these changes. You may reach out to us if you have any queries about any changes made to our practices.


• If you have any questions at all about our privacy policy, please email us @ or you may contact us during working hours in our Official Numbers displayed in our website for further assistance.


Any individual/s logging on to or using the Website (“the Visitor”) unconditionally accepts the terms and conditions of use and these constitute a binding and enforceable agreement/contract between the Visitor and AIEHSST.

1. The information, content and material contained in this website is the exclusive property of AIEHSST and is protected by copyright and intellectual property laws. No person shall use, alter, copy, reproduce, circulate, distribute, initiate, publish, display, change, modify, create derivative works or database, use, transfer, transmit, upload, exploit, misuse, sell or distribute the same in whole or in part or any part thereof without prior express written consent and authorisation from AIEHSST. Use of the information for any purpose will be violation of copyright and other intellectual property rights. Graphics and images on the Website are protected by copyright and should not be reproduced or appropriated in any manner. Facility to print an article or portion of text or material on this website through computer/electronic device does not tantamount to prior written consent.

2. AIEHSST has the right to use, reproduce, monitor, disclose any data, transmission of information received and made on this website. AIEHSST does not take any onus or responsibility to maintain confidentiality of the details submitted by the Visitor. Visitors may be sent information, data or material etc. or contacted on the email addresses, phone numbers and postal addresses provided by the visitor on the website. Any visitor who may desire to not receive mail/email/call from AIEHSST may give clear instructions.

3. The Visitor shall not use, upload or post any computer programs in connection with his/her use of the website that contain any of destructive features such as viruses anomalies, self-destruct mechanisms, viruses, time/logic bombs, bugs, worm, Trojan horses, etc.

4. Notwithstanding anything, in no event and occurrence shall AIEHSST be liable to the Visitor for any or all damages, losses and causes of action (including but not limited to negligence), errors, mistakes, injury, whether direct, indirect, consequential or incidental, suffered or incurred by any person/s or due to any use and/or inability to use this website or information or its links, hyperlinks, action taken or abstained or any transmission made through this website.